The XXth  Annual International Conference “Leontief Readings” – “Regional Economic Development and Regional Policies” – was held on September 10-11, 2021 in the conference hall of the Leontief Centre, St. Petersburg. 

Due to the current epidemiological situation, the conference was held in a mixed format - face-to-face and online. Leading Russian and foreign experts on regional economic and social problems of Russia presented their reports at the conference. A special lecture “100th Anniversary of the NEP: Myths and Reality” was delivered by A.P. Zaostrovtsev (Leontief Center, European University at St. Petersburg, HSE University - St. Petersburg).
The Ceremony of Awarding the laureates 2020 with the International Leontief Medal "For Contribution to Economic Reforms" took place on September 11, 2019 in the Parade Pavilion of the Peter and Paul Fortress.
The laureates 2020 are:
  • Nomination "For a contribution to economic reform" — for outstanding services in the development of macroeconomic theory, active participation in the development of economic policy in Russia and the implementation of economic reforms. Evsey Gurvich, Academic Supervisor of the Economic Expert Group, Senior Research Fellow of the Financial;
  • Nomination "For contribution to economic reform" — for outstanding services in reforming the economy of Kazakhstan. Oraz Zhandosov, Chairman of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1996–1998), Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1999), Director of the Center for Economic Analysis “Rakurs.