On the 10-11 of February the V Annual Conference from the series of Leontief Readings "Actual Problems of Russian Economic Development" was held in St. Petersburg. 

Leontief Readings were opened with the session Trends of Structural Reforms in Russia during which problems and trends of reforming of social sphere, natural monopolies, administrative system, including the system of local government were discussed. Economy of the State and Law was another thematic session of the conference organized in cooperation with the Institute of National Project “Public Contract”. Due to existing tradition Leontief Readings Programme included session devoted to the regional problems – Territorial Development: Problems of Regional and Local Economic Policy and Control. Themes and discussions in the framework of this session concerned with the questions on local economic policy, including problems of centralization and decentralization, development of market institutes or detailed planning/ regulation, links with programme target budgeting, regional characteristics and typologization of approaches, problems of estimation of effectiveness, links with spatial planning. 

Leontief Readings were carried out on the threshold of W.W. Leontief Centenary. In the framework of Leontief Readings Programme the first meeting of the Public Organizing Committee on Program Preparation to Celebration of Wassily Leontief Centenary was carried out.  The Third Ceremony of Awarding with medals in name of Wassily Leontief also took place.