VII Annual Conference from the series of Leontief Readings "Economic Theory and History" 

VII Annual Conference from the series of Leontief Readings "Economic Theory and History" took place on the 5-6 of October, 2007 in Saint-Petersburg (St.Petersburg, A.S. Popov Central Museum of Communications) .

After the welcoming speeches of the organizers and guests of the conference there were:

  • Two Plenary Sessions: Russia on the Eve of the New Century: Break-troughs and Failures of Economic Reforms and Property and Authority: Large Transformation at the Beginning of the XXI Century.
  • Three Sectional Sessions, led during the conference, were united by common subject Economic Reforms: Plans and Results and devoted to the discussion of the mainstreams and primary results of reforms, carried out in the key fields of national economy. Subjects of the Sectional Sessions are: Economic Reforms: Plans And Results, Economic Reforms: Plans and Results: Whether The Natural Monopolies are Being Reformed?, Economic Reforms: Plans And Results: Social Package: The Issues of Reforming Social Sector.
  • Presentation of the multi-author book of the Independent Institute for Social Policy (IISP) “Review of the Social Policy in Russia. The Beginning of the 2000’s” (rus) (Speaker: Tatyana Maleva, Independent Institute for Social Policy, Director)

The work of the second conference day was opened by the Round Table Session Economic Thought and Economic History was held in the framework of the conference. After it’s completing there were held: 

In the year 2007 the laureates of the International Leontief medal for “Contribution to Economic Reforms” were:

  • Evgueny Yasin, Academic Supervisor of the State University - Higher School of Economics,
  • Leonid Limonov, Director-Coordinator for Research Programmes of ICSER "Leontief Centre",